I'm back from the SUGAR Conference and full of new and exciting ideas and ways to use my Statler.
Made some good friends too! Hi to Barbara, Anne & Kara!
Also found a wonderful quilt shop called Appletree Quilting & Viking Center.
So many fabrics and gadgets and patterns and books!! I could have spent many more hours, but time was short. I had three days worth of intense classes. Just loved the buzz and the teachers were the best. I am thinking of getting a mini SUGAR retreat organized here in the UK. Anyone up for it? Let me know!

Made some good friends too! Hi to Barbara, Anne & Kara!
Also found a wonderful quilt shop called Appletree Quilting & Viking Center.
So many fabrics and gadgets and patterns and books!! I could have spent many more hours, but time was short. I had three days worth of intense classes. Just loved the buzz and the teachers were the best. I am thinking of getting a mini SUGAR retreat organized here in the UK. Anyone up for it? Let me know!