Sunday, 27 November 2011

Orca Bay Part Two Half Way!

It is 3:13am here in the UK and I have been up for an hour.  Last night watched Strictly Come Dancing while piecing more blue strip blocks.  So I thought I might pick off the papers, ready for trimming.  I have to say that picking the papers off of foundation blocks is just so therapeutic.  It's a bit like popping bubble wrap!  When paper foundation piecing, I always take my stitch length down to 1.5 - 1.8.  Those papers can't wait to pop off.  I don't use a large needle.  In fact I always piece with a 60/8 and a 50wt cotton thread.  I really don't want to make big holes in my fabric and the fine thread just melts into the seams.  There are between 6 and 9 strips in each block.  The narrow strips look totally right for this size block.  Your eyes are drawn in for closer inspection.

Here are the photos of my sweet blocks so far, papers off and ready for trimming.

My papers have gone into the fireplace awaiting the next cold snap when the logs will be burning.  Recycling in more ways than one!


  1. Wow!! love the look of those slim strings.

  2. You have a great variety of blues. They look terrific.

  3. They do look great - you used such a wonderful variety of fabrics.

  4. Lovely, just lovely! I like that extra "spark" the red bits give your blocks!

  5. You are doing great! The bits of color are really neat with the blues.

  6. Your blocks are so sweet! Such variety.

  7. Your blocks look great. I know that I don't have any with 9 strips. Way to go

  8. Hi Sandra, your blocks look terrific and I was very impressed that you used so many fabrics in each...Its well worth it and I should have done the same in mine...Well done

  9. This is a great blk!! Love how they turnewd out!!

  10. The string blocks are wonderful. This is my first 'Bonnie' quilt too, and must say so far I'm really enjoying it.

  11. Well done to get 9 strings on! I will be back next week to see what you have been up to!
