Sunday 5 February 2012

WOOP WOOP!!  The first snow has arrived.  Glad I got my new snow shovel last summer.  I knew it would have an outing at least once this year.

Anyway, while sitting here in the warmth, watching the snow falling, I had a look at some of the old posts I published and realized that the "Heart Pillow" post had an old link.  So I am posting the new link.

Heart Pillows are so needed by loads of breast care hospitals.  I support Medway Maritime breast care nurses.  If anyone would like to help me out, please send me an email and I will chat about how you can help.

Photos and instructions are on this page:


  1. LOL - have to laugh...I bought a snow shovel in October and my husband laughed at me...hee hee hee guess who is eating humble pie today!
